Weekly Quotes
Week 11
November 30, 2011
"If you don't care then no one else really does
either." -Rob Larson
If you don’t care about your education, than no one
else should because you are the one that is making the decsions on which things
are important and which things aren’t.
Week 9
November 4th, 2011
"It's science fiction today, it'll be real in
10 to 20 years time.
I totally agree with this statement. We have came so
far in the last 10+ years. Anything is possible. I believe that smella-vison
will be one of the next big things that will be coming in future.
Week 8
"I wished I had one letter nickname" (Rob Larson)
Yea it is pretty awesome having a one letter nickname if I do say so myself. You could have one if you really wanted to, but you would have to start referring yourself as that. I do not advise on everyone having a one letter nickname.
Week 7
10/21/11 - "These are not mine." (referring to the pack of smokes sitting on the table in the classroom)
That is very good you don't smoke wacky tobacky because you do not want your lounges to look like this.
Week 6
10/12/11 - "A 50-foot bride was stolen in western Pennsylvania, "
This was the funniest stuff that has happened in class... so far. My stomach hurt because I was laughing that hard! Keep the funny stuff coming .
Week 5
10/3/11 - "You have to know who you're writing for,"
(Christensen, Shattered Glass).
This is a very good for many reasons. If you
are writing a children’s book, you want to limit the amount of “big words” and
use more pictures to describe what you are writing about. When you are writing
an essay for your English class you want to be very descriptive and detailed
with your essay.
September 28, 2011 "To a very large degree we are media." -Rob Larson
I totally agree because we are able now to contribute in so many different ways (YouTube, Facebook, twitter, ect). I believe that without us (humans) there would be no media at all.
Week 3 Quote:
9/21/11 - "College is not a democracy."
I totally agree with this quote! I don’t get to decide how much work is assigned and how it is graded. I do not think it should the fate of your life shouldn’t be decided on a scantron sheet. But hey, there is nothing I can really do but try my best! :)
Week 2
"I just saved you a hundred hours of work in your college career"- Rob Larson
Thanks for the good website called BibMe.org, I believe it will be a great tool for me to use throughout my college career!
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