Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mid-term Essay

In my Media Literacy class, we watched some very interesting/eye-opening documentaries. In each of the documentaries (The American Dream and Food Inc.), the purpose of the films was to tell the behind the scenes stories about our society. Before these documentaries, I never thought that the government was hiding information from us, or how assembly lines like our farms are. Farms now a days no longer are the farms we think of with green grass, but factories with antibiotic filled animals. These documentaries reveal different sides of life and inform us along the way. Not only does it make me aware of the life we are living in but also makes me critically think and wonder what else is going on in my life that should be uncovered.
I am not really up to date/really care about politics and the government but I came across some very disturbing information. The American Dream, made me critically think about a lot of important issues that face our economy. In the Alex Jones documentaries, their focus was to reveal to us what is going on in our government. The films gave us a lot of information, from Alex Jones saying that we are living in tyranny and the government is hiding information behind our back. To The American Dream staying that the Federal Reserve is in control of the bank’s money and we are at their complete mercy. These documentaries are really making me think about a lot of topics that I wasn’t so keen on before.
It is insane for our government to let the meat we buy in our local grocery store comes from filthy farms which was portrayed in the documentary. When you buy a hamburger from your favorite restaurant, do you sit down and ask yourself. Where did this food come from? Food Inc. brought forth the disturbing truths of how our food is being treated. Our food is being massed produced, not being taken care of.  These revealing truths about what we eat made me stop and think about what I consume. It honestly made me not want to eat my lunch after. After watching all these documentaries, I have came to the conclusion that I need to be more aware of the things that are going on around me.

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